Israel Defense Forces


Let the IDF Win, or Rethink the Course, Atchalta, June 20, 2024

Israel’s Initial Response to OHCHR Background Note, Israel’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations, June 2024

IDF ‘exemplifies tactical, operational excellence’ in Gaza by Yaakov Lappin, Jewish News Syndicate, May 30, 2024

According to a report by former senior U.S. commanders, Israel’s military operation in Gaza has been “effective and legal,” but better communication is needed to counteract negative public perceptions.

A military expert [John Spencer] on why the US view on Israel’s fight against Hamas is a turning point for the world by Hilary Krieger, CNN, May 17, 2024

The necessary fixes the IDF needs for the long wars of the coming decade by David M. Weinberg, The Jerusalem Post, April 28, 2024

Israel’s independence depends on robust defense readiness. And on new military-intelligence leaders with clear-eyed understanding of the situation.

Israel Has Created a New Standard for Urban Warfare. Why Will No One Admit It? by John Spencer, Newsweek, March 25, 2024 (see also Israel Implemented More Measures to Prevent Civilian Casualties Than Any Other Nation in History by John Spencer, Newsweek, January 31, 2024, and post on X, February 9, 2024)

Turns out that there IS life after death … at least for tanks by Daniel Gordis, Israel from the Inside, February 5, 2024

One of the IDF’s newest units, the Phoenix, created by men who were discharged decades ago out of tanks that had long since been declared no longer usable.

The IDF’s systematic approach to dismantling Hamas by Yaakov Lapin, Jewish News Syndicate, January 25, 2024

Commanders, infrastructure, weapons production and field operatives: How the IDF is taking the terrorist group apart from the top down.

The Dogs of War by Lt. Col. Richard Hecht, IDF Spokesperson, November 27, 2023

The Four Legged Warriors Protecting our Soldiers in Gaza.

The Strategic Value of Israel’s Air Force by Major General Amikam Norkin and Abraham Katsman, The Jerusalem Post, August 8, 2023

Israel can prepare with confidence for both surgical offensive operations and optimal defensive plans.

Refuse-to-serve: Biased Israeli media is not reporting the full story by David M. Weinberg, The Jerusalem Post, July 21, 2023

They feel no need to hide anonymously behind left-wing reporters. And they have no other way of making their voice heard.

Israel’s operation in Gaza: A new level in precision fighting by Yaakov Katz, The Jerusalem Post, May 18, 2023

Halevi’s Horizon: What Awaits the New Israeli Defense Chief of Staff by Jacob Nagel and Jonathan Schanzer, Foundation for Defense of Democracies, April 17, 2023

Iron Dome Passes Another Gaza War Missile Test by Stephen Bryen, Asia Times, August 6, 2022

Israel’s Iron Dome knocked missiles out of the sky in spectacular fashion, showing again why it’s the gold standard of air defense systems.

How is the IDF practicing multidimensional warfare? by Seth J. Frantzman, The Jerusalem Post, July 1, 2022

Going on the Attack: The Theoretical Foundation of the Israel Defense Forces’ Momentum Plan by Eran Ortal, The Jewish Strategic Tribune, March 2022

Following the law is not a disadvantage by Yossi Kuperwasser, Israel Hayom, January 3, 2022

While Israel is held to an international double standard of morality, the IDF’s commitment to the international laws of war is a long-term advantage.

The end of the IDF as we know it? by Daniel Gordis, Israel from the Inside, December 13, 2021

Israel debates moving to a professional army instead of the draft.

America’s Lesson from Gaza: Prepare for Disinformation War by Charles Wald, Robert Ashley, and Blaise Misztal, Breaking Defense, November 15, 2021

Israel Needs Weapons to Stop Iran’s Nuclear Bomb by John Hannah, Foreign Policy, October 15, 2021

How Israel Targeted Hamas Underground (And What It Could Do Next) by Seth J. Frantzman, The National Interest, June 2, 2021

The importance of demolishing the Metro system was to prevent Hamas from being able to easily move rockets around underground and set up the mass barrages that can be coordinated and linked to centralized command and control.

The Powerful Implications of Israel’s Successful Missile Defense Test by Jacob Nagel and Jonathan Schanzer, Newsweek, December 28, 2020

IDF sees victory as ‘rapid destruction of enemy capabilities’ by Daniel Pipes, The Jerusalem Post, November 25, 2020

Momentum [‘Tnufa’] rightly aims to win on the battlefield, not coerce the enemy to give [up] its long-term goals; that is the province of politicians.

Israel Shifts Naval Doctrine with New Sa’ar 6 Warships by Seth Frantzman, Defense News, November 5, 2020

Israeli Military Launches Radical New Digital Maps by Zak Doffman, Jewish Policy Center, Fall 2020

An Inside Look at How Israel Trains for the Next War with Its Best Units by Seth Frantzman, The National Interest, October 7, 2020

Selling Fighter Jets to the UAE Is All About Israel by James Stavridis, Bloomberg, September 22, 2020

There is a way to bring Arab states into the F-35 program without diluting the Israelis’ “quantitative military edge.”

I Saw Israel’s Revolutionary New Tactical Drones Up Close by Seth Frantzman, The National Interest, August 26, 2020

Israel’s Military Is About to Get Even Stronger Thanks to One Thing by Seth Frantzman, The National Interest, July 11, 2020

In the hours just before dawn on July 6, Israel’s top military brass, executives from Israel Aerospace Industries, and key defense companies waited for news of a successful orbit as Israel’s latest surveillance satellite lifted off from near Palmachim military base in central Israel. Ofek-16, the new satellite, is the latest success in Israel’s space program.

IDF chief of staff seeks to gain ‘momentum’ by Ron Ben-Yishai,, June 5, 2020

Kochavi’s plan to give Israel and its citizens a more efficient, modern and powerful army by 2030 – may take a back seat amid the spread of the economy-paralyzing coronavirus

The Israeli Security Establishment Helped Beat Coronavirus – and is Ready for Future Challenges by IDF MG (ret.) Yaakov Amidror, The Algemeiner, May 22, 2020

Priorities for the IDF amid the coronavirus pandemic by Yaacov Ayish, The Jerusalem Post, April 13, 2020

Israel’s New War Plan for Iran (And More): Stealth F-35I Fighters and Lots of Tech by Seth Frantzman, The National Interest, February 16, 2020

“We will evolve as our enemies evolve,” the IDF says

Ben-Gurion’s Army: How the IDF Came into Being (and Almost Didn’t) by Martin Kramer, Mosaic, February 3, 2020

On the eve of Israel’s statehood in 1948, with the massed forces of five Arab nations threatening invasion, David Ben-Gurion picked a fight with his own army. Why?

Israeli Civil Defense: A Critical Tactic, but a Poor Strategy by Elliot Chodoff, The Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 1,373, December 16, 2019

Assessing Israel’s Iron Dome Missile Defense System by Jacob Nagel and Jonathan Schanzer, The Foundation for Defense of Democracies, November 13, 2019

US-Israeli missile defense cooperation sends clear message to foes by Jacob Nagel and Jonathan Schanzer, The Hill, August 5, 2019

The Flawed Human Rights Watch Report on Gaza by Geoffrey S. Corn and Rachel E. VanLandingham, Lawfare Blog, June 26, 2019

The Underground Arms Race in the Middle East by IDF MG (ret.) Yaacov Ayish, RealClearWorld, June 11, 2019

UN Reports on IDF response to Hamas are misguided and pose serious concerns by Lt. Gen. Kenneth Glueck (ret.) and Colonel Ian Corey, The Hill, March 29, 2019

A Prism on the Diversity of the Israel Defense Force: An interview with Maj. Gen. Gadi Shamni, Jewish Policy Center, InFOCUS Quarterly, Spring 2018

The IDF’s Priority: War Readiness by Yaakov Lappin, The Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 542, July 27, 2017

Women of War: IDF Special Operations Officers by Elisha Ben Kimon, Ynet News, August 22, 2016

Israel’s Army Seeks Trust Through Tuition by Daniel Gordis, Bloomberg View, August 12, 2016

For gay soldiers, IDF seen as ‘more progressive’ than the state by Judah Ari Gross, The Times of Israel, July 5, 2016 (see also: What the U.S. Is Learning From How Israel Treats Transgender Soldiers by Yardena Schwartz, Time, August 9, 2016)

Cpt. Sharon Ogen speaks with The Times of Israel about coming out, finding love and starting a family while in uniform

How do you determine when the IDF has gone too far? by Michael J. Koplow, Israel Policy Forum, Matzav Blog, May 26, 2016

The Worrisome Politicization of Israel’s Military by Daniel Gordis, Bloomberg View, May 25, 2016

There’s a Reason for Yair Golan’s Holocaust Talk by Gabriel Mitchell, Israel Policy Forum, Matzav Blog, May 12, 2016

A salute to the soul of the IDF by Yossi Klein Halevi, The Times of Israel, May 10, 2016

Ramadi, Gaza, and Western Hypocrisy by Evelyn Gordon, Commentary, January 13, 2016

Video: Israel: The World’s Most Moral Army (5’33”), Col. Richard Kemp, Prager University, December 7, 2015

American paratroopers train with IDF’s Egoz unit in Israel by Yoav Zitun,, December 3, 2015

Glimmers of Hope: 4 Incredible Moments from 4 Humanitarian Missions by the Israel Defense Forces, August 19, 2015: Includes video (IDF’s Humanitarian Missions, 0’57”) and videos from Haiti 2010, Japan 2011, Philippines 2013 and Nepal 2015)

A year on, army looks to last Gaza war for lessons on fighting the next one by Mitch Ginsburg, The Times of Israel, July 7, 2015

Israel has watched Hamas change tack, so it may have a chance to prepare better for a seemingly inevitable future conflict

Ahead of UN Report on 2014 Gaza War, Multinational Mission of Generals Find: “Israel not only met but significantly exceeded international legal standards”, UN Watch Briefing Vol. 537, June 12, 2015

Attorneys at War: Inside an elite Israeli military law unit by Willy Stern, The Weekly Standard, June 5, 2015

Rethinking Operation Protective Edge (The 2014 Gaza War) by Eitan Shamir, Middle East Quarterly, Spring 2015 (PDF) (see also Did Israel Weaken Hamas? by Efraim Inbar, Middle East Quarterly, Spring 2015, PDF)

The Gaza War 2014: The War Israel Did Not Want and the Disaster It Averted by Hirsh Goodman and Dore Gold (editors), Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, March 2015 (see also video overview, The Gaza War, One Year Later: Lessons Learned and the Potential Danger Ahead, 1:29’04”, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, June 3, 2015)

Taking Inclusion To A Larger Level by Howard Blas, The Jewish Week, February 12, 2015: IDF enlisting soldiers with Down syndrome and other significant disabilities

Between Dresden and Gaza by Ehud Yairi, Jerusalem Post, February 11, 2015

Video: COGAT (Coordinator of Government Activities in the [Palestinian] Territories) facilitates medical services in Israel for West Bank Palestinians (3’24”)

Video: Heroes of Operation Protective Edge (5’35”), Friends of the IDF (FIDF), December 18, 2014

‘Struggling’ With IDF Proportionality Issue by Doug Chandler, The New York Jewish Week, December 2, 2014

Video: A Captain Speaks: Entering Gaza to Care for Civilians (3’53”), IDF, September 17, 2014

Conduct of Operations in Limited Scale Conflicts by Maj. Gen. (res.) David Ivry, Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, August 31, 2014

Who pilots Israel’s drones? by Harel Eilam, Clacalist (translated by Al-Monitor), August 11, 2014

IDF indiscriminately killing in Gaza? Data says no by Haviv Rettig Gur and Adiv Sterman, Times of Israel, August 8, 2014

Civilian Deaths in Gaza by William Saletan, Slate, July 11, 2014

Is Israel killing indiscriminately? A closer look at the evidence and context.

How Politics and Lies Triggered an Unintended War in Gaza by J.J. Goldberg, Forward, July 10, 2014 (see also rebuttal, Diplomacy and Other Times to Lie by Rabbi Kaufman, We Are for Israel, July 10)

The Gaza Rules by William Saletan, Slate, July 9, 2014

Israel, unlike Hamas, isn’t trying to kill civilians. It’s taking pains to spare them.

Video: Guarding Israel’s Shores: the Navy’s Surveillance Unit (2’27”), IDFNA Desk, May 12, 2014

IDF Paramedic Honored for Saving Syrians, Times of Israel, May 10, 2014

Video: “Great in Uniform”: Special-Needs Soldiers in the IDF (5’36”), April 2014

Israel’s military revolution by Ben Caspit, Al-Monitor Israel Pulse, April 17, 2014

Video: IDF Officer Sets the Facts Straight about Security Crossings (1’12”), IDFNADesk, April 2014

Video: Saluting the Women of the IDF (4’44”), Friends of the IDF, March 5, 2014

Video: IDF Soldiers Train for Urban Warfare (4’08”), IDFNADesk, February 25, 2014

16 Stories of Diversity in the IDF, IDF Blog, February 26, 2014

Video: What “Non-Violent” Palestinian Protests Really Look Like (1’18), IDFNA Desk, February 9, 2014

Video: Female Arab Soldier: I Came to Serve My Country and My Home (3’20”), IDFNA Desk, February 4, 2014 (Arabic with English subtitles)

#IDFWithoutBorders: Map of IDF Aid Delegations Around the World, IDF Blog, November 27, 2013

48 Hours in Hebron: Keeping the Calm in a Hotbed of Tension, IDF Blog, November 26, 2013

‘In awe’ of Israeli medics in Philippines by Dr. Nancy Snyderman, Daily Nightly, NBC News, November 15, 2013

Video: Israel Air Force Refuels Mid-Air (0’43”), October 2013

IDF’s roughest, toughest female soldier by Yoav Zitun,, October 10, 2013

Video: Israel’s “The Unit” at Entebbe (2’45”), The Military Channel, September 2013

Israel’s Heroic Restraint by Deroy Murdock, National Review, August 19, 2013: “They routinely put their own security at risk to protect innocents — and prospects of peace.”

Global Stories: IDF Soldiers from Across the World, August 2013

No perfect answers: My 2 years as an IDF spokesperson by Barak Raz, Times of Israel, August 10, 2013

Where Is the Israeli Military Heading? by Amir Rapaport, Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 210, August 7, 2013

“The army’s new multi-year plan shows that the IDF is reorganizing its priorities for the coming decade. Military priorities include the attainment of intelligence superiority, development of knockout fire delivery capability, active defense systems, cyber warfare, and border protection systems, while the ground forces are to be downgraded in importance and priority.”

[youtube][/youtube]British Army Col. Richard Kemp Discusses IDF Operation in Gaza, January 2009

Why International Peacekeepers Cannot Replace the IDF in the Defense of Israel by Amb. Dore Gold, Friends of Israel Initiative Paper No. 13, July 25, 2013 [pdf]

Video: An Israeli pilot speaks (1’36”), July 2013

Sample Reel for ‘Above and Beyond: The Birth of the Israeli Air Force’ by Playmount Productions, Katahdin Productions, December 2012

IDF perfects officers’ interaction with civilian populations by Rotem Eliav, IDF, October 27, 2011

Video: Brothers in Arms (4’17”), Mark Knopfler (lead singer of Dire Straits), June 2009